Q: I brush every day, but my breath is just not fresh. Is there anything else I can do?
A: Millions of people struggle with halitosis, or bad breath, despite daily teeth brushing. Here is a checklist of procedures that can eliminate the problem: 1) twice daily brushing, daily flossing, and tongue cleaning; 2) regular professional cleanings; and, 3) careful cleaning of any dentures or removable dental appliances. However, if your hygiene is meticulous and the problem persists, we can offer several alternative solutions.
First, we can provide a plastic tool called a tongue scraper that cleans away bacterial build-up on your tongue and which significantly alleviates odor. Or, we can recommend a specially-prepared rinse or toothpaste designed to actually break the odor-causing sulfur bonds that cause bad breath. Finally, we may suspect a systemic or internal problem, such as an infection or underlying condition, in which case we may recommend a visit with your family physician or specialist to identify the cause.